Kimmich isn't an international star in FIFA

Many FIFA 23 Coins players think he's to be a far superior player than even Lionel Messi, and would place him one rating above on 91, considering his pace, shooting, and of course, dribbling. Be aware that the majority of his goals are easily scored in the outside of the box, all due to his incredible control of the ball.
Kane is another illustration of a slow start but long acceleration due to strength and height. He is mostly known for his long passing abilities that are great for attack on his own as well as creating opportunities for other players to score goals easily.
Even though he performed better than last year, even going down to 90 points, that's not enough to make him a great striker.Kimmich isn't an international star in FIFA, but he's always been an effective central midfielder.
The most effective skill he has is passing. His most significant weakness is his speed, which is easily corrected by AcceleRATE. AcceleRATE system, making him an excellent defensive player.
He might not be the most important piece in the game, however his performance, although often unnoticed, will make any match-up worthwhile.Kimmich hasn't been an instant star in FIFA however he's been a reliable central midfielder.
His greatest skill is passing His biggest weakness is cheapest FUT 23 Coins pace, which is easily compensated by the AcceleRATE system, making him a great defensive player.

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